Welcome to Semester 2!
by Arati Nair
Hello!!! A warm welcome to our new members and a hearty welcome back to the rest of our best friends 😙
We hope that you've taken the time to look after yourselves over the past month (ish). Semester two's always a little bit of a...doozy… BUT FEAR NOT, MUPA has a ton of exciting events and opportunities for you to get involved in!
1. “Study Smarter, Not Harder” Study Skills Workshop
Are you tired of spending endless hours studying without seeing the desired results? Drop by the MUPA Study Workshop: Study Smarter, Not Harder, and unlock the secrets to effective learning!
Date: August 1, 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: Arts West North Wing Room 456
Our amazing speaker, James Farrough, from Psychology in Action, will equip you with psychological and evidence based study skills that will revolutionize the way you approach your studies. Learn to absorb information faster and retain it better, all while saving valuable time!
What’s even better? This session is FREE for MUPA members!!! Take advantage of this valuable resource- we can’t wait to see you all there :D
Book tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/mupas-study-workshop-study-smarter-not-harder-tickets-681380456287
2. Peer Assisted Learning Seminars (PALS)
After many sold out sessions, PALS is back again this semester! Get ready for your assignments and exams with past students who help summarize and provide study tips for your undergraduate psychology subjects! We have two sessions during the semester:
Mid-semester break session - focused on content review & assignment tips
SWOTVAC session - focused on active recall & exam-style questions
More info to come!!
Even more excitingly, recruitment for PALS leaders has started! As a leader you will work with 1-3 other leaders to create structured revisions sessions based on lecture content.
What are the benefits of being a PALS leader?
Gain Melbourne Plus credential
Resume building
Become part of a fantastic team and meet like minded people
Practice your communication skills
Help others feel more confident about their understanding of psychology concepts
Want to be a PALS leader? apply here!! https://forms.gle/eFFumMZ6zSFR3PQE7
Applications close 6th August so don’t wait!!
3. MUPA Study Sessions
Need help staying on top of your classes? MUPA is hosting regular study sessions for core psychology subjects throughout this semester!
What will they include?
Group discussions
Pomodoro technique
Possible kahoot competitions
Come make some new psych friends & be a little less behind on your psych work at our next study session!!
Keep an eye on the MUPA Instagram (@mupa_unimelb) for more information coming soon!
4. Project Toolbox: Mental Health Workshop
Keep your eyes peeled on all of our socials for more deets about our mental health tips workshop happening towards mid semester! Toolbox Education, a pioneer in evidence-based fun and relatable psychological wellbeing workshops will be visiting our university. Here, we will learn how to recognise when obstacles, such as thinking traps, show up and how we can challenge these unhelpful thoughts to create new, balanced and productive ways of thinking.
5. Industry Expo
Are there any fields of psychology you’re interested in working in? Are there any professional areas you’re unsure of? Or are you entirely confused as to what pathways you can take in this broad discipline? Look no further- MUPA is bringing you an event that draws together a wide range of possible psych pathways and organizations! This is another event to keep your eyes peeled for- we’ll be releasing more info on all of our socials soon!
In the meantime, if there’s a specific career or organization you’d be interested in seeing or are curious about, let us know by sending us an email at mupa.general@gmail.com