What does a Psychology Association look like?
Psychology proves to be a niche. Whether or not everyone admits it, the discipline, within university life and beyond, is between both Science and Arts. This doesn’t mean it is neither Science nor Arts, rather, maybe it is both? The Melbourne University Psychology Association believes psychology students are reflective of just that, a well-rounded education for a well-rounded students. In order to benefit such students, the association must be adaptable and serve every kind of student that comes through our doors, and that is just what our aims serve to facilitate.
Club Aims:
To provide students of psychology and those interested in the field, with social opportunities.
To assist students through lectures and navigating potential job opportunities, volunteer work and other opportunities available to undergraduates in the field of psychology.
To liaise with Faculty in regards to student welfare.
To broaden students understanding of the many areas of psychology.
To foster a community of psychology students to potentially build cross-university relationships with psychology groups based at universities outside of the University of Melbourne.
Executive Team