Supporting the psychology student experience

Supporting education and social connections.


The Melbourne University Psychology Association (MUPA) is a student-run society that aims to promote the growing field of Psychology by nurturing a network that supports students on social and educational fronts. MUPA liaises with the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences to ensure the best interests of students, and organises community collaborations across the academic year.

MUPA is one of the fastest-growing student-run societies at The University of Melbourne, with 400+ members from multiple disciplines, and universities. The best is yet to come.

Supporting accessible education

Tertiary Education in the 21st century is not as simple as getting a degree and finding a job. Professional experience, strong soft-skills, industry connections — these all play an important role in one’s tertiary education, however these events often are not accessible and easily available. Melbourne University Psychology Association endeavours to change that.


Building a holistic student experience

Student experience in Psychology is often equated to studying relentlessly, procrastinating alone & losing track of the community we are a part of. Melbourne University Psychology Association is bringing back social connection to our community, with every single event we run and the committee we host.


Supporting leadership in the community

Melbourne University Psychology Association (MUPA) was established in 2014 by a group of rag-tag Psychology Students, looking for change in their community. For 8 years and counting, the MUPA committee has been filled with students looking to support their fellow students and use their leadership skills for their community.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.



